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[Database systemSQL Server与Access、Excel的数据转换

Description: SQL Server与Access、Excel的数据转换-SQL Server and Access, Excel data conversion
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 徐剑 | Hits:

[Windows Develop针对Excel格文件操作编程实现

Description: 在 Visual C++中操作Excel,对开发数据库管理系统很有意义 -read and write excel file,useful for developing database management system
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: | Hits:

[File FormatExcel-vc2

Description: VC++ 与 EXCEL生成系统报表-2-VC and EXCEL Generation System statements-2
Platform: | Size: 421888 | Author: 叶潞灵 | Hits:

[Program docdrop_target_Dlg

Description: You imagine? Right, there s more than one possibility, this time I ll give you tree. One for your private data, one for the common data in order to receive data from other applications like Excel, WinWord etc. and at last, I ll give you a handy-dandy class you can derive ANY MFC object from, to make it a drop target
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: wuhongbing | Hits:


Description: 针对Excel表格文件操作的编程实现,运用CSpreadSheet实现EXCEL轻松操作-Excel spreadsheet file for the programming operation, the use of EXCEL realize easy operation CSpreadSheet
Platform: | Size: 591872 | Author: 王涛 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopExcel

Description: VC实现Excel表格文件操作,一个直接读写Excel文件行、列、求部份数学函数的源码-VC achieve the Excel spreadsheet file operations, a direct read and write Excel file rows, columns, and some mathematical functions source code
Platform: | Size: 117760 | Author: hawk | Hits:

[Windows DevelopAutoProject_00

Description: Automate Excel using MFC and worksheet
Platform: | Size: 4267008 | Author: boonlue | Hits:

[File OperateAutoProject

Description: Automate Excel using MFC and worksheet
Platform: | Size: 368640 | Author: boonlue | Hits:


Description: example of MFC VC++ to use excel in VC-example of MFC VC++ to use excel in VC++
Platform: | Size: 194560 | Author: int | Hits:

[GUI DevelopEasySpreedsheet-MFC

Description: 简易电子表格-数据结构大作业 控制台编程 类似excel中基本功能-easy spreedsheet
Platform: | Size: 79872 | Author: lee | Hits:

[File OperateCSpreadSheet

Description: CSpreadSheet类及应用Demo程序,用于读取及操作Excel表格内的数据,需在MFC环境下。-CSpreadSheet class document and application of Demo program to read and write the data inside Excel forms, required MFC environment.
Platform: | Size: 422912 | Author: Kappi | Hits:

[Windows DevelopEXCEL_MFC

Description: 在VS2010中MFC实现对Excel表格的动态读、写、创建。其中包含详细的实现过程截图,简单易懂。-MFC in VS2010 in the Excel table to achieve a dynamic read, write, create. Details of the implementation process which includes shots, easy to understand.
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: lizhen | Hits:


Description: mfc 下 对 excel 文件的读取和写入。 对中文支持不好。 -reading excel
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: jake | Hits:

[File OperateMFC-excel

Description: 该程序详细介绍了在MFC平台下怎么操作微软的offcice组建excel,经过测试,运行良好!-The procedure described in detail how to operate the platform in the MFC Microsoft offcice form excel, tested and run well!
Platform: | Size: 2341888 | Author: ykm | Hits:

[Tab ControlDialogExcelTabs

Description: MFC application, homemade samples, similar to EXCEL documents form
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: yangyu | Hits:


Description: 这里主要讲一下VC++中用支持MFC的控制台程序操作Exce-Here mainly to talk about the VC++ console application using MFC support operations Exce
Platform: | Size: 287744 | Author: ice | Hits:


Description: VC++平台下, MFC 对 EXCEL 数据的读写操作-VC++ platform, MFC EXCEL data read and write operations
Platform: | Size: 165888 | Author: 金鑫 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringUse-MFC-EXCEL-file-operation

Description: 使用MFC操作EXCEL文件 使用MFC操作EXCEL文件-Use MFC EXCEL file operationUse MFC EXCEL file operationUse MFC EXCEL file operation
Platform: | Size: 223232 | Author: 张立国 | Hits:


Description: mfc读写excel的文档说明,通过ODBC来实现的。-mfc excel documents to read and write instructions, via ODBC to achieve.
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: zhang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopExcel

Description: MFC 下利用Excel接口读写Excel表格数据的操作实例-Examples of the use of operating under MFC Excel spreadsheet interface to read and write Excel data
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 荣承势 | Hits:
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